28: Doomsmasque! (with Joe Streckert)

Joe Streckert of The Weird History Podcast joins Douglas Wolk to discuss Sub-Mariner #47-49, by Gerry Conway and Gene Colan. Topics include how much Doctor Doom loves drama, the difference between “Kirk Drift” and “Flanderization,” The Journal of M.O.D.O.K. Studies, what kind of a boss…

26: …Though Some Call It Magic! (with Gerry Conway and Joshua Glenn)

The Doctor Doom story in 1971’s Astonishing Tales #8 was a landmark for the character–the story where we finally discovered his true motivation for amassing power–and we’ve got two guests this week to discuss it with Douglas. The first is the legendary Gerry Conway, who…

25: The Tentacles of the Tyrant! (with Margaret Pride)

A really fun (and odd) one this week: Retired U.S. diplomat Margaret Pride joins Douglas to discuss the Doctor Doom stories in Astonishing Tales #6-7… or, rather, to touch on them rather briefly, and then discuss how the relationship between Victor Von Doom and T’Challa…

18: Don’t Look Now, But It’s–Dr. Doom! (with Christine Hanefalk)

Christine Hanefalk of The Other Murdock Papers and the #savedaredevil campaign joins Douglas Wolk to discuss Doctor Doom’s battle with Daredevil in Daredevil #37-38 and Fantastic Four #73. Topics include the quasi-science of Daredevil’s radar sense, the question of whether it’s a good idea for…